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Fig.2 - Zone 2 Cover.jpg

Public Life Study References

Donovan, Jenny. Designing the Compassionate City: Creating Places Where People Thrive. New York: Routledge, 2017.

Gehl, Jan. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space. Washington: Island Press, 2011.

Gehl, Jan, and Birgitte Svarre. How to Study Public Life. Washington: Island Press, 2013.

Whyte, William H. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. New York: Project for Public Spaces, 2018.

Comparative Evaluation References

Canadian Urban Institute, “TOcore Neighbourhood Population Profiles,” prepared for City of Toronto, City Planning,   

July 4, 2016.

Cushing, Debra Flanders, and Evonne Miller. Creating Great Places Evidence-based Urban Design for Health and                     Wellbeing. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020.

Debra Flanders Cushing, and Evonne Miller, Creating Great Places Evidence-based Urban Design for Health and                       Wellbeing, New York, NY: Routledge, 2020, 68.

Donovan, Jenny, Designing the Compassionate City: Creating Places Where People Thrive (New York: Routledge,                       2017).

Eve A. Edelstein, “Building Health,” HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal 1, no. 2 (January 2008):             

54–59, doi:10.1177/193758670800100208.

Lynch Kevin, The Image of the City (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press &               

Harvard University Press, 1960).

Markevych, Iana, Julia Schoierer, Terry Hartig, Alexandra Chudnovsky, Perry Hystad, Angel M. Dzhambov, Sjerp De Vries,        Margarita Triguero-Mas, Michael Brauer, Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen, Gerd Lupp, Elizabeth A. Richardson, Thomas Astell-         

Burt, Donka Dimitrova, Xiaoqi Feng, Maya Sadeh, Marie Standl, Joachim Heinrich, and Elaine Fuerte. "Exploring                    Pathways Linking Greenspace to Health: Theoretical and Methodological Guidance." Environmental Research 158                 (October 2017): 301-17. Accessed November 1, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2017.06.028.

Richardson, E.a., J. Pearce, R. Mitchell, and S. Kingham. "Role of Physical Activity in the Relationship between Urban                Green Space and Health." Public Health 127, no. 4 (2013): 318-24. Accessed November 1, 2020.                                            doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2013.01.004.

Wood, Lisa, Paula Hooper, Sarah Foster, and Fiona Bull. "Public Green Spaces and Positive Mental Health – Investigating         

the Relationship between Access, Quantity and Types of Parks and Mental Wellbeing." Health & Place 48 (November            2017): 63-71. Accessed November 1, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.healthplace.2017.09.002.

Figure List

Home Page

Cover Image: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig. 1: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park Context Map.

Fig. 2: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig. 3: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.


Fig 4: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.(video)

Fig 5: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park Zone 2 Paths of Movement.

Fig 6: Sejdinovic, Lejla. David Crombie Park Zone 2 Paths of Movement.

Fig 7: Sejdinovic, Lejla. David Crombie Park Zone 4 Age Distribution and Activities.

Fig 8: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park Zone 2 Paths of Movement.

Public Spaces

Fig 9: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto. (cover photo)

Fig 10: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 11: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 12: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Zone 2 

Fig 13: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.(video)

Fig 14: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 15: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 16: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park Zone 2 Types of Movement.

Fig 17: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park Zone 2 Day/Night Demographics.

Fig 18: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park Zone 2 Age Distribution and Activities.

Fig 19: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park Zone 2 Paths of Movement.

Zone 4 

Fig 20: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.(video)

Fig 21: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 22: Sejdinovic, Lejla. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 23: Sejdinovic, Lejla. David Crombie Park Zone 4 Types of Movement.

Fig 24: Sejdinovic, Lejla. David Crombie Park Zone 4 Day/Night Demographics.

Fig 25: Sejdinovic, Lejla. David Crombie Park Zone 4 Age Distribution and Activities.

Fig 26: Sejdinovic, Lejla. David Crombie Park Zone 4 Paths of Movement.
Zone 6 

Fig 27:Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.(video)

Fig 28: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 29: Babcock, Reese. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 30: Babcock, Reese. David Crombie Park Zone 6 Stationary Users.

Fig 31: Babcock, Reese. David Crombie Park Zone 6 Demographics.

Fig 32: Babcock, Reese. David Crombie Park Zone 6 Paths of Movement.

Fig 33: Babcock, Reese. David Crombie Park Zone 6 Stationary Activity.

Fig 34: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.


Fig 34: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto. (cover photo)

Fig 35: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 36: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto.

Fig 37: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park Zone 2 Paths of Movement and Staying.

Fig 38: Babcock, Reese. David Crombie Park Significant Buildings.

Fig 39: Babcock, Reese. David Crombie Park Significant Buildings.


Fig 40: Bursey, Liam. David Crombie Park. September 2020. Toronto. (cover photo)


© 2020 Created by Reese Babcock, Liam Bursey, and Lejla Sejdinovic for ARCH 4016 Cultural Sustainability, McEwen School of Architecture

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